Open Courses

Introduction to Marketing



In the dynamic world of marketing, staying ahead with cutting-edge strategies is crucial for any business's success. This course is meticulously designed to equip professionals and managers with a foundational understanding of marketing functions. It enables practical engagement with marketing tools and strategic thinking, ensuring that participants can integrate marketing insights effectively within their roles. By the end of this course, attendees will be proficient in crafting impactful marketing strategies aligned with their organisation's goals and cultural framework.

Who should attend

This course is tailored for professionals at the awareness level who either need to collaborate effectively with marketing teams or are transitioning into marketing roles. Ideal for those involved in shaping marketing strategies or in charge of customer service functions, it offers valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of marketing dynamics and its application in business growth.


Understanding Marketing Fundamentals

  • Defining marketing and its role in business success
  • Exploring core marketing principles and strategies
  • Differentiating products in competitive markets
  • Segmenting markets to target ideal customers
  • Establishing a strong value proposition

Analysing Market Dynamics

  • Investigating market supply and demand fluctuations
  • Assessing buyer behaviour and its impact on marketing
  • Selecting appropriate market research techniques
  • Analysing competitors and market positioning
  • Identifying emerging market trends

Crafting Strategic Marketing Plans

  • Conducting thorough market analyses
  • Setting realistic and measurable marketing objectives
  • Developing strategic marketing plans
  • Aligning marketing strategies with organisational objectives
  • Implementing marketing plans effectively

Embracing Digital Marketing - Platforms and Content

  • Understanding the role of paid, owned, and earned media
  • Managing and controlling brand presence online
  • Leveraging SEO for maximum online visibility
  • Creating compelling online content
  • Utilising social media for brand engagement

Generating Leads Through Digital Innovation

  • Exploring digital routes to market
  • Integrating digital marketing techniques across platforms
  • Utilising modern metrics for measuring marketing impact
  • Engaging customers through digital channels
  • Optimising digital tools for lead generation

At the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Define and apply core marketing principles effectively.
  • Analyse market dynamics and consumer behaviour to inform marketing decisions.
  • Conduct comprehensive market research and competitor analysis.
  • Develop and implement strategic marketing plans aligned with business objectives.
  • Utilise digital marketing tools to enhance brand presence and customer engagement.
  • Integrate SEO strategies to improve online visibility and influence.
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies through modern analytics.
  • Adapt marketing strategies to evolving market conditions and opportunities.



VAT: Courses held in London are subject to VAT at the current rate

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