About LMC

Rachel Knowles

Rachel Knowles


Rachel’s area of speciality focuses on behavioural skills.  She focuses on working with client’s who work in challenging environments, which include private mental health companies, public mental health, local authorities and the IT Industry. 

Rachel works closely with clients to understand the unconscious strategies below the level of consciousness that drive behaviour, which makes it easy for clients to understand how to make changes that get results.

Her background in Human Resources in global organisations has given her the experience and knowledge to understand the challenges of managing a diverse workforce and the skill of applying flexible approaches to meet the differing needs of market, the organisation and the staff.

She began studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming in 2002 and has since gone on to become a Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer. Rachel transfers these skills to providing leadership training to senior managers to enable them to motivate and develop their teams. 

Her style of training is energetic, supportive and challenging.  She has a pragmatic approach of applying leadership and behavioural models to the actual challenges faced by participants to make it easy for them to apply the learning to their business.